Wednesday, June 22, 2011


As many of you know, today, June 22, is the annivesary of Judy Garland's death.
She was taken from us 42 years ago and is still missed by millions of fans from
around the world, as well as being appreciated by scores of new fans who didn't
discover her until after her death.

Our memorial at the Yahoo group this year is very simple, Mickey Rooney sings the song he wrote for
Judy shortly after her death, Rosemary Clooney sings a Johnny Mercer tune that
was written about/for Judy, and Mort Lindsay plays an instrumental piece that
you just know is infused with feelings for Judy.

Mort and Shana Alexander also give touching spoken memorials to Judy.

You can find all these files in the group's audio section in a folder called
Remembering Judy.

I am sure we all will remember, think of, or delight in Judy in our own unique
ways today. It's raining in New York right now, I wonder if there will be a
rainbow later....

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