One of the benefits of being a member on The International Judy Garland Club is receiving the various publications that the club offers. The mother ship is the extraordinary JUDY GARLAND A CELEBRATION which is published twice yearly. There is also a charming, informative, stylish, and beautifully produced newsletter that is meant as a supplement to the Celebration magazine.
Here are some sample pages of the new newsletter. It's full of amazing photographs, many I have never seen before, all the Judy news that is fit to print, letters, articles by Gary Horrocks and Joan Coulson about Judyfest and the Judy In Hollywood event, information on current and upcoming Garland related products and projects, and just a whole lot more. You'll just have to wait for your copy to arrive to find out. And if you are not a member, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?????
Here is the link, go join now, I promise you won't be sorry:
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