Just heard from Gary Horrocks of the International Judy Garland Club and he asked me to assure everyone who has been patiently waiting for the club's first official video, JUDY IN LONDON 1957, that the film has finished post production and will be mailed to those who ordered it within the week.
Apparently the delay was caused by a technical glitch with the region coding. but all is well now and Gary apologizes for the delay.
Gary also sent me the artwork for the film's DVD case. I kind of liked it in it's raw form so instead of trimming it I am sharing it here exactly as it was given to me.
A few points about the video that Gary wanted shared are:
The film includes historical interviews with members who have passed on.
You will see rare film footage of Judy interacting with her fans backstage at London's Dominion Theater.
There are hundreds of period photos and press clippings.
The film was produced by the club's digital archivist, Andy Warrington.
Anyone who has not ordered the film already but wishes to have a copy should contact Justin Sturge by clicking HERE
Looking forward to it, except I might be on it and then I won't view it!!!
Why? They were fantastic days, I presume.
Don't see any "order page" on the site. What is the cost? What is the running time? Will the DVD play on US disc machines? Lots of questions.
If you write to Justin Sturge at judygarlandclub@gmail.com he will be able to fill you in on all those details.
Dear all,
we've had so many queries about the International Judy Garland Club's first ever DVD documentary that we have decided to release it to non-Club members. Many Club members who renewed their 2011 subscriptions to receive issues 3 and 4 of 'Judy Garland - a Celebration' also chose a special package to receive the DVD as well, and this undoubtedly is the cheapest way to receive the new film. If you are a member and unsure if you chose the DVD package please drop us an email at:
The DVD is around 35 minutes, includes hundreds of photos from the period, with rare press clippings. It features some ultra rare video footage of Judy backstage at the Dominion with her fans. There are interviews with Club members who were at the Dominion taken from our extensive archive of interview footage that our digital archivist Andy Warrington has been working over the last few years. Club founder Lorna Smith in featured, Joan Coulson, Ken Sephton, Brian Glanvill and actor Alec Bregonzi, and many others. It brings to life issue 2 of' Celebration', which featured an extensive essay and pictorial celebrating Judy's tenure at the famous London theatre. (Back issues available on request.)
The non-member price for the DVD is:$20 ($16 plus $4 postage and packing), £12 UK sterling, and payments are easier using PayPal.
We would like to encourage everybody to join the Club that Judy supported during her lifetime, and which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2013.
The easiest, quickest and preferred way to join is via PayPal. Payments using PayPal can be accepted in GBP, Euro, USD and AUD and should be made to the e-mail address: judygarlandclub@gmail.com
When making your payment, it is important that you state in the notes section your name, postal address, email and telephone number. If you are paying for additional memberships for friends, please remember to provide us with their full details.
If you do not want to pay using PayPal, please email us and we can advise on how and where to send cheques or postal orders or how to initiate bank transfers. We have representatives in the US and Australia as well as the UK for your convenience.
2011 annual subscription includes membership card, issues 3 and 4 of 'Judy Garland: a Celebration' (postage & packing inc) and newsletter due out in January 2012.
2011 rates:
UK £21; Europe €28; US/Canada $42; Australia 44 AUD; Other $44
($54 or £29 with the special DVD)
Gary Horrocks
Editor of 'Judy Garland - a Celebration'
- a publication of the International Judy Garland Club
Don't forget to 'Like Us' on Facebook :-)
...and a teaser excerpt is available on YouTube at:
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